
Welcome to the Student Wind Orchestra of the University of Twente.

At this website, you can find all information about the orchestra and the upcoming performances.

You also might want to take a look at the SHOT Ensemble and its marching band Tohuwabohu!

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About us

SHOT is the student wind orchestra of the University of Twente. The orchestra counts around 65 students of the university and surrounding applied universities. The orchestra was founded in 1991 and is conducted by Ronny Buurink.


Become a member

It is good to see that you are interested in becoming a member of SHOT! You are very welcome to visit (one of) our rehearsals.

Become a benefactor

The organization of multiple concerts and activities is partly made possible by the financial support of benefactora.


SHOT has her own marching band called Tohuwabohu. Take a look at the Tohuwabohu page for more information about the band and bookings.


An ensemble consists of a small group of musicians from the orchestra who can offer a musical addition to your party or any other event.


  • Adopt a Member
    From 6 to 14 July this year, we will go on a concert tour with SHOT. We will go to Wroclaw, in Poland, and Linz, in Austria. During the trip, we will rehearse and give several (open-air) concerts. As a musical highlight, we will take part in the MID Europe Festival in Schladming. Apart from that, it promises to be a lot of fun. For this trip, you can also adopt a member! That way, you will receive an update by e-mail twice, on how they experience the trip. You will also get access to the Polarsteps, where daily updates will be posted. Would you like this? To follow one of our members, you can make a donation of (at least) €10 on https://www.steunutwente.nl/project/shot-concertreis-2024 and indicate that you want to follow them.
  • Concours 2024
    On March 9th, 2024, SHOT performed at the concours in Zutphen at the Hanzehof. Here we were awarded with 91 points for Danse Funambulesque by Jules Strens and 92 points for Rapsodia Hernandiana by Santiago Quinto Serna. An average of 91.5 points with which we won in the 1st division! We are extremely happy with our performance and grateful for the work of all the musicians, guest-musicians, soloists and of course our conductor Ronny. 


  • Concert Trip 2024

    This upcoming summer, SHOT is going on a concert trip to Poland and Austria. In Austria, we will participate in the MID Europe festival for brass bands. You can support this tour via https://www.steunutwente.nl/project/shot-concertreis-2024.

    Thank you to everyone who has already donated, especially:

    HP Valves
    Mees van den Brink

    Cultuurkoepel Apollo
    Student Union Twente
    Stichting Universiteitsfonds Twente
    Stichting Herason
    Het Cultuurfonds
    Maaike Helena de Gaaij Reisfonds
    Stichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel
    Stichting SHOT Oud Leden Orkest
    Vrijhof Cultuur
    Universiteit Twente
    Hogeschool Saxion

    Coen Swinkels
    Oepke Prins
    Johan & Sandra Meesters
    Petra van den Dolder
    Fedde Meesters
    Joost Smit
    Jo-anne Roerdink
    PJ Horn
    Henk en Klaske Boon en Van Norren
    Arnold en Kim Lubbers
    Marieke Donker
    Willemien Toet-Dijkstra
    Peter Douma
    Hanneke Somsen
    Diana van den Boer
    Julia Wengert
    Silvia Ooink
    Hennie Somsen
    Ilse ten Have
    Leon en Adriënne Maas
    LM Techniek BV
    Mathijs & Marinke Bronkhorst
    Marian Braks
    Martinge Reij
    Nicoline Geelhoed
    Ruud Haan
    Annelies van Til
    Hannah de Vries
    Jeroen van Straalen
    Gerrir Hagen
    Jan Weening
    Gea Brugge
    Guido Batens
    Anette & Joop Rabou
    Greet Kerkhof


Studenten Harmonie Orkest Twente

Vrijhof Cultuurcentrum

Postbus 217

7500 AE Enschede 

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